At St Michael’s Catholic Primary School Lane Cove we have the McAuley Centre that is open to students from Monday to Friday lunchtimes. We offer an array of activities that students can be involved in such as chess lessons, reading, model making using Lego and Knex, drawing, writing, colouring in, card games, quiet activities and robotics. Students are also able to use the library at lunchtimes to complete any homework or explore using the computers and iPads.

Our school library is a precious and highly valued space.

A vibrant hub of learning, stories and exploration, the library provides a welcoming place to meet, collaborate, research, relax and improve information literacy.

It empowers students to be imaginative and critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, and discerning researchers. Our library is a place where curiosity is nurtured.

Staff foster a culture where reading is encouraged and celebrated, and texts are deeply valued for their ability to help students understand themselves and their world. This ‘reading culture’ contributes positively to students’ intellectual, social, and emotional development.

Our students can access authentic, age-appropriate resources at any time through the Oliver library management system and ACEN digital library’s Sora app.