We commit to providing safe and supportive environments which nurture the wellbeing of all students, staff and parents/carers in our community, and hold firmly to the belief that they have a right to be safe, respected and valued in an inclusive environment. We know that when students are happy, they are more engaged with their learning.

Schools benefit from wellbeing initiatives and pastoral care support through Sydney Catholic Schools – in areas such as anti-bullying, positive behaviour, student counselling, refugee support and child protection – which range from universal support for all students, to targeted interventions for students with complex social and emotional needs.

Anti-bullying policy

Sydney Catholic Schools rejects all forms of bullying behaviours, including online (or cyber) bullying, by maintaining a commitment to providing safe, inclusive and respectful learning communities that promote student wellbeing for learning. Staff at Sydney Catholic Schools are committed to employing wellbeing strategies that allow for a healthy school environment where bullying is less likely to occur.

If your child is experiencing bullying of any kind, or you have a wellbeing concern, we have a number of support services available for parents/carers and students, as listed below.

School Contact Information

  • School Counsellor: Ms Madeleine Thesseling

Support services:

At St Michael’s Catholic Primary School Lane Cove, we are deeply committed to implementing a range of wellbeing programs to ensure the holistic development of our students.

Whole school programs include:

  • Schools Positive Behaviour for Learning (SPBL)
  • Restorative Practice
  • Berry Street Education Model
  • Highway Heroes – Best Program 4 Kids
  • Zones of Regulation 
  • Lunch Club and Gardening Club – social skills programs

Our school utilises:

  • The Australian Student Wellbeing Framework to promote student wellbeing, safety and positive relationships so that students can reach their full potential
  • Be You to assist us to focus on supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing
  • The Berry Street Education Model, to improve academic achievement, student engagement, and wellbeing. It also supports students, staff and parents with Ready 2 Learn plans
  • Zones of Regulation
  • The Highway Heroes Modules which is a comprehensive Social and Emotional Learning primary years program supporting students to build friendships and resilience across various contexts.

Whole school and community events: 

  • Weekly Assemblies with awards
  • Colour House Family Masses 
  • Celebration of Learning open afternoons
  • Harmony Day
  • STM’s Got Talent
  • Easter Hat Parade
  • Reconciliation Week
  • NAIDOC Week
  • Grandparents’ Day
  • Mothers’ Day
  • Fathers’ Day
  • School Disco
  • Bush Dance
  • Annual STM Fundraiser
  • St. Michael’s Feast and Mercy Day
  • Book Week including Parade
  • Interschool Debating and Public Speaking Competitions
  • Concerts (Amadeus and Christmas)
  • Sporting Carnivals
  • Celebration of Writing
  • National Day of Action Against Bullying
  • R U OK Day